The Wonderland Trail: One Ounce and One Step at a Time

Valerie always feared that Big Blue would be the death of me. She worried that the gargantuan pack would make her a widow, afraid that she’d come around a bend in the trail to find me squashed like an ant, arms and legs splayed outward under the massive beast. It never happened, but I learned a few things along the way.

Spring-Like Days=Wonderland Trail Dreams

For the uninitiated, the Wonderland Trail encircling Mount Rainier consistently makes the “Ten Greatest, Most Awesome, Scenic, Challenging, Incredible Hikes in North America” lists in outdoor magazines and on websites.

Guess Who We Ran into on the Wonderland Trail!

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At this time of year, I often get an itch that needs scratching: to hike the Wonderland Trail. Unable to hike the entire 93-mile loop this year, Dimitri and I day hiked the eastern portion from Fryingpan Creek to Box Canyon. Imagine our excitement to see three rare travelers on the trail!